Our Location
With our office located in Quinte West, we are pleased to serve our surrounding communities in Hastings, Northumberland, Lennox & Addington, and Prince Edward Counties.
Hastings County
Trenton, Belleville, Frankford, Marmora & Lake, Madoc, Stirling-Rawdon, Tweed, Deseronto, Tyendinaga, Quinte West, Centre Hastings, Rural Hastings
Lennox & Addington County
Napanee, Rural Lennox & Addington
Northumberland County
Cobourg, Port Hope, Brighton, Colborne, Campbellford, Rural Northumberland
Prince Edward County
Picton, Bloomfield, Wellington, Consecon, Rossmore, Rural Prince Edward
Not sure if you’re within our service area? Give us a call and we’ll discuss how we can help!
Call or email us with your needs to see how we can help!